Shyness - How to Handle

Personal Improvement on Freedom Plaza
by Kieron McFadden

The message of this article is very simple: something can be done about shyness.This article on shyness is written from personal experience.

Anyone who suffers from shyness, that inexplicable nervousness and compulsion to hide that grips you when you are around people, knows what a personal agony it can be and how much it ruins one’s efforts to have a happy life.

One likes people and indeed the only true wealth human being has is his fellowship with others. Shyness therefore can be a devastating and ruinous inhibition that can make one utterly miserable. It is like being in relentless pain but the pain has no discernible source or location. It is nevertheless very real.

The worst thing about it is there does not appear to be a logical reason for it. One would gladly handle it if one could, but where does it come from and why is it there?

Unfortunately one is the same boat as almost everybody else. Almost anyone carries their personal burden of strange, inexplicable compulsion or inhibition, be it anxiety, anger, depression, sexual compulsion and so on, that ruins their life and from which there appears to be no escape.

Underlying that is the sad fact that until very recently the human community has had no workable psychotherapy, no way of understanding the mind and how it works, no effective method of alleviating the burden of the phantoms and demons that seem to sit immovably on the shoulders of human beings and make their lives miserable.

There have been many attempts to solve the problem but those various psychotherapies have failed.

Without an effective psychotherapy, desperate people are then easy prey for the purveyors of drugs and psychiatric brutality who present no solution but do purport to provide a means to at least anesthetize the pain.

The problem is those "solutions" bring with them a host of adverse effects that, if they do not actually kill you, produce complications that make life worse. It is a bit like having a man in pain with a broken leg and instead of locating the source of his pain and fixing the leg, you hit him with large doses of pain killers instead. He is then pain free, largely because he can’t feel his legs at all, develops liver problems because the pain killers are essentially poisons, becomes sleepy and dull-witted and his untreated leg festers and develops gangrene.

In a world then of people with no solution to what ails them, it is very easy for the psycho-pharmaceutical axis to make a great deal of money and thus achieve inordinate power and influence out of human desperation.

Unfortunately, the very nature of the "solutions" disingenuously peddled by such predators has produced nothing short of social devastation: compounding problems of drug dependency, addiction, illness, dysfunction and debilitation and we have wound up with a downward-spiralling mess of personal and social misery.

Now, I speak from personal experience as I said at the beginning of this article. I’ve been there and while I oppose very strongly the whole psycho-pharmacy operation, I never would criticize those who fall prey to it.

However, we are fortunate to live at a time when there is now a way out from shyness or any other mental difficulty you may be experiencing. Someone at last has managed to develop a workable psychotherapy that empowers YOU to handle and be free of what ails you.

And that, very markedly, is changing the whole ball game.

I have tried it and found that it not only worked – the shyness from which I used to suffer is GONE – I actually gained far more in terms of my personal wellbeing and happiness than I ever dared think was possible.

But don’t take my word for it. I invite you to try it for yourself. Why not? Maybe it could do the same for YOUR shyness too. You have nothing to lose but your unhappiness.

I have made information about it free here.

May you never be the same again.

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