The War on Drugs: A War on Two Fronts

by Kieron McFadden

The war on drugs is being fought on two fronts, not one. There are two enemies: one with whom we are slugging it out toe-to-toe and the other who stabs us in the back while we are thus engaged.

The war on drugs is being fought on two fronts, not one. There are two enemies: one with whom we are slugging it out toe-to-toe and the other who stabs us in the back while we are thus engaged.

The former is the garden variety criminal, motivated by greed and uncaring of whom he hurts or how in his quest for personal wealth. The more successful criminals, the cartel overlords, are responsible for the destruction through addiction, and on occasion direct violence, of thousands of human beings.

They have cut a swathe of carnage through our civilization from which it would nevertheless be resilient enough to recover if it were not for the fact that we are bogged down in an even more desperate struggle on a second front.

The organized criminal is a breed of cat we all know full well, whether through personal experience or having watched a good number of movies.

Criminals, the type that organize the broad scale shipping, distribution and sale of illicit substances, are very heavy and very unpleasant people virtually lost to all humanity. There is a war being waged against them by good men, a war good men are perfectly capable of winning but for one thing: while they are engaged in their war with an easily recognizable adversary, another adversary is busy stabbing them in the back

On that front stands a foe even more destructive, and with even more blood on its hands but he has been less easily identified as a foe, sometimes even mistaken for a friend.

He works behind our lines and seeks to undermine us at every turn.

While we fight to stem the tide of drugs that threatens to engulf our youth, he spares no effort in increasing the flood of drugs into our society. He targets children in an effort to start the very young on the short road to lifelong drug dependency.

While we week to educate the citizen out of using drugs, he seeks with massive advertising campaigns to educate the citizen INTO a dependency on drugs.

He use every ploy, device and trick he can think of to bring as many people of every age group, class and occupation as can be cajoled or seduced into it, to regular drug use.

The drugs he makes and sells are WORSE in their effect upon the user than many, if not all, street drugs. Many street drugs began life as his, legal, products or were popularized by him.

He is very clever at what he does. Like Satan himself he is the great Seducer, the great manipulator of truth. He is motivated by profit and he does not care whom he harms in his pursuit of ever greater wealth.

I invite you to take a long dispassionate look at the operations of the Drugs manufacturers and their grass-roots level dealers, the psychiatrists.

Look at the advertising campaigns, the proliferating invented mental illnesses, the scientifically suspect testing, the PR distortions of truth, the devastating side effects of psychotropic medications and the extreme difficulty of withdrawing from them.

Don't take my world for it. Go and look at these birds and behind the PR gloss and glass fronted buildings and smart business suits you will see an ongoing war being waged against our culture, against you, me and our children.

You will see men lost to all humanity who will not stop until every opportunity to drug human beings and make a buck from it has been exhausted.

Unless good men rally to the defence of this and future generations and stop them.