ADHD: Times They are Changing

by Kieron McFadden

This is part two of a brief look at safe and effective nutritional remedies for ADHD that render the drugging of children obsolete.

The thing to remember is that when you eat processed foods that contain toxins such as additives and artificial colors, you are introducing toxic chemicals into your bloodstream. And those chemicals find their way into the brain where, being poisons, they disrupt normal brain function. In children (not to mention adults) who have been diagnosed with ADHD, this entry of toxins into the chemistry of the brain produces phenomena such as "inexplicable" restlessness or shortened attention span as well as other phenomena that psychiatry is so keen to diagnose as a "mental illness."

This problem is not limited to food additives: people who eat large quantities of white bread (or food containing refined white flour) also suffer from mental disorders, such as depression, aggression, violent behavior, problems with concentration and learning disabilities, derived from disrupted brain function due to the refined carbohydrates in those foods.

Soft drinks also causes the same effect, because they contain poisons with the innocent-sounding name of "refined sugars," which cause behavioral disorders by depleting the body of nutrients such as B vitamins and minerals such as magnesium and zinc and so forth that are vital for neurological health. Deprive anyone of these nutrients and they will exhibit mental and physical disorders, to one degree or another.

None of this is new news and there is no mystery about any of it. This is known data that has been proven time and again and it is hard to imagine that the corporations who go on mass-producing food loaded with additives, refined sugars and refined carbohydrates are not well aware of it.

What are we to think then of the morality of corporations who, fully aware of this common knowledge, go on marketing for adults and children alike food tainted with substances inimical to mental and physical health?

I leave you to draw your own conclusions about the criminality or lack thereof manifest in this behavior but ask you to consider what could be the combined effect on a child of a diet that includes copious amounts of soft drinks, refined foods, additives, preservatives and so on. It is hardly surprising that many children poisoned in this way exhibit problems of mood and behavior.

Psychiatry of course knows this: it would have to be remarkably dense not to. Yet it goes on studiously ignoring the actual and remediable causes of ADHD and elects to pretend the child has a mental illness requiring he be doped by very profitable drugs. And the drugs are themselves toxins that also disrupt the natural chemistry of the brain and damage brain and nerves, although more savagely even than the refined sugars, additives and refined carbohydrates with which the child is already poisoned.

It is no wonder then that the drugged child is prone to further complications and deterioration requiring a lifetime of "management" with drug cocktails.

It is bad enough the we permit our kids to be poisoned by a rapacious food industry but how can we then stand by and do nothing to rectify the dietary causes of their resultant distress and then compound the felony still further by permitting them to be drugged?

Of course, many parents are taking action to do right by their kids and keep them off the drugs. In the U.S., informed parents have discovered the value of feeding their children the Wild Blue Green Algae as part of a healthy diet, as studies such as those cited in Part One of this article ("The Cat is out of the Bag") show positive effects of the algae on children and adults with ADD/ADHD.